CLU, CHS, CPCA | Advisor, Rick Fischer
P: 1 (866) 624-0745 Email:
Q: What do you enjoy most about being an advisor?
A: The best part is meeting and getting to know people who become really good friends. Helping people is a plus.
Q: What’s the biggest challenge?
A: Ever notice that when you work with your spouse that things are ….. easier. Oops I must be in the wrong section here. Truthfully, the biggest challenge is staying on task when my wife is setting up my agenda.
Q: What do you love most about being part of Plan-It?
A: Brainstorming. Many great ideas come from great minds.
Q: What qualities of yours makes you best suited to do what you do?
A: Quiet. I’m a quiet guy, which means I do more listening than talking. Keeping things simple. I don’t try to dazzle people with fancy proposals or charts and graphs. I keep it to the point, easy to understand, on-target; but, simple.
Q: How should people think about their finances?
A: 1. Make sure you have enough money to survive today
2. Plan to have enough there for your family if you ‘check-out’ early
3. Implement a system to fund your PLAY-TIME; while not sacrificing your lifestyle for your retirement.
Q: What do you love to do outside of work?
A: Sledding, Dirt-biking, Mountain biking; and then, depending on the season: more Sledding, Dirt-biking, Mountain biking. And of course kicking my buddies butt on the ride!
Q: What would you be doing if you weren’t working with Plan-It?
A: I started out in the trades industry. If it weren’t for my Dad who got me into this business in 1983; well, I’d likely still be dealing with plumbing issues! Could have been crappy stuff!
Q: What personal accomplishment are you most proud of?
A: Frankly, still being in the business! With all the changes, computers, courses, compliance issues; it’s impressive to see people with 30+years experience still working; of course, that is with the help of my trusty wife (I had to add that, she is present right now)
Next best thing….kicking my buddies butt on the ride (he knows who he is!) LOL
Q: If you could have one super power, what would it be and why?
A: PSYCHIC. If only I could read my wife’s mind versus trying to guess what she wants; what she’s thinking; OR, what I’m